London Theatre & Shakespeare Country Tour11 Dec 2014

London Theatre & Shakespeare Country

A London Theatre & Shakespeare Country Tour planned by Gateway Destinations promises to be a memorable experience for those who love literature and history. You’ll be able to learn more about London, the city’s beautiful sights and sounds, the charming pubs, historical sites, and incomparable museums.

Gateway Destinations can plan a group tour that will include infamous live theatre performances of the classics—not just in any ordinary theatre house but right in the Shakespearean countryside.

Such group tour has been designed to expose you to the vigor, richness, and beauty of British and England theatre where most of the popular plays were written during the Renaissance period.

We plan the tour with a sense of adventure and we’ll try to connect you to the past. Our goal is to make your London Theatre & Shakespeare Country Tour a happy one so you will go back to your home satisfied and exhilarated—full of knowledge and richness of the past.

London is a bustling city in Europe. Most travelers go there to have a good time. With Gateway Destinations customized packaged tour, you can discover the beauty of London Theatre and the Shakespeare Country. Explore this side of Europe that is rich in literature, history, and the arts. By visiting London, you can learn more about the past and watch some of the best shows in the world.

Gateway Destinations’ London Theatre & Shakespeare Country Tour is available as a specialty tour for women, family, or a private group. Gather your family and friends and allow us to plan an extraordinary adventure.

Gateway Destinations will listen to your needs. We’ll welcome your ideas in creating a more memorable and enriching vacation of a lifetime.


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